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Why Applied Kinesiology?

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is often what people find as their last resort for chronic health problems, and soon discover it to be the first line of defense in their quest to achieve optimal health and performance!

AK is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing with other standard methods of diagnosis.

This Bozeman chiropactor specializes in AK as a useful, non-invasive investigative method that enables him to identify issues through the interconnections between organ/gland function to muscles. 

Many in the alternative health field understand how the body organizes itself in circuits (acupuncture meridians). What AK doctors understand, is that when an organ’s function is impaired  it acts like a switch on that “fuse” that turns off. Certain muscles related to that circuit will then show up as weak through what is called “muscle testing.”

This can happen before lab tests show the organ impairment!

So, what you may feel as back pain, for example, may be due to the condition of certain organs and related muscles! 

This organ/muscle-testing relationship is at the root of many complaints that appear to be structural problems but don’t improve with conventional treatment. 

If you’ve been visiting a specialist for six months, or longer, without major improvement in back pain or other nagging aches and pains anywhere in your body, maybe it’s time for another approach.  Could it be that the problem isn’t structural or functional? We can help determine this with AK. 

AK addresses the Triad of Health – Physical, Mental and Chemical. They are all interrelated.  

More to come on chiropractic in Bozeman..